Immagine di prova

Production excellence

In the district of the Town of Mosciano S. Angelo there is a considerable economic development with the preponderance of industrial and craft production especially dealing with agribusiness, precision joinery, furniture manufacture, and semi-inert construction, precision engineering. Some activities (especially in the food industry and the chemical industry) are heavily involved in innovation processes and product method and operate with research facilities at university level.

The industrialization of food production and the steady expansion of the market, have created a quantum leap in the process of industrialization of food preparations, achievable only through the intervention of technologists specialized in the manufacture, distribution and control of food of animal and plant origin.

These factors, combined with the fact that the food industry, both in the traditional agricultural sector and in the transformation of resources, is a leading sector of the local economy, led to the activation of the Faculty of Agriculture with the course of Bachelor of Science and food Technology and the Course in Viticulture and Enology.

The local production system includes a great artisan tradition of furniture production.

The culture of the manufacture of furniture, in fact, has existed for nearly a century and has seen an extraordinary development with the transformation of several professional workshops in the furniture industry.

Despite the current economic crisis, the industry tries to maintain its quality standards by providing a production varied according to an ascending scale of quality and price offering, in the several points of sale, any solution of home furnishings, mainly for reasons of tradition and culture of the area.

Moreover, of great importance are the wineries that since the 60s have produced and bottled wines coming from the many vineyards located in the beautiful hilly area. In recent years, these wines have achieved fame and appreciation of fans. First the so called Montepulciano d'Abruzzo has achieved the coveted DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin) since 2002, becoming part of that elite list of Italian wines that can boast of such recognition. This is the result of the great passion and professionalism of local growers. The area is suited to the production of other wine qualities, such as Trebbiano d'Abruzzo doc and Pecorino that derives from an old wild variety. The wineries, that have always had a tradition of their own, always place products of excellent quality on the market.
