Immagine di prova
Mosciano S. Angelo, located a few kilometers from the Adriatic coast and an hour from the Gran Sasso chain in Abruzzo, lies on the ridge between ...
Local Companies
Cartina In the Municipality of Mosciano S. Angelo are located different types of companies that, over the decades, have evolved in a production of industrial character.
To enhance the production district the City Council has established a dedicated urban variant of the production of sustainable ...
Invest in Mosciano
SUAP - Single Desk for productive activities
The SUAP portal of the City of Mosciano Sant'Angelo is an environment for businesses and realized that entrepreneurs can ...
Open a business
Through this link access to the area of SUAP for all modulistiche.
The Territory
Colle Cerreto
Colle Cerreto. Contrada posta  tra  Colle Cacio e Colle Nasone  (ad ovest)   e  Fosso Costa Pelata (C.da Forchetta ) ad est. La strada omonima (vicinale n. 11) ha inizio dalla  ex statale 262  (vicino proprietą Di Giandomenico), prima di arrivare ...
Photo Gallery
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